About the company

Lets us create a Healthier workforce Together.

We assist employers to improve their workforce health and wellbeing, we help them make better decisions about their health insurance policy, occupational health, preventive and wellness programs. We partner with insurers, providers and brokers to optimize the care experience with technology.

We are focused on 3 goals


Improving care and wellbeing


Increase value


Making it easy

What problems are we trying to solve Problems

Rising Cost

Poor access to preventive health services

Poor Service delivery and weak regulation

Poor and generalized benefits

Knowledge gap

Our values

Value delivery pillars

How do we support you ?

Budget, Planning and Cost Optimization

  • Check mark Copayment
  • Check mark Risk sharing
  • Check mark Gap analysis
  • Check mark Industry survey
  • Check mark Benefit comparison
  • Check mark Employee needs assessment
  • Check mark Benefit design
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Policy Management and brokerage

  • Check mark Enrolment support
  • Check mark Renewal management
  • Check mark Renewal negotiations
  • Check mark Coverage expansion
  • Check mark Survey and feedback
  • Check mark Benefit design based on needs
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Occupational Health

  • Check mark Clinical suite
  • Check mark Case management
  • Check mark Medical surveillance
  • Check mark Compliance & reporting
  • Check mark Incident management
Occupational health

Employee Experience

  • Check mark Concierge services
  • Check mark Employee education
  • Check mark Self-service portal and apps
  • Check mark Dedicated employee support teams
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  • Check mark Referral advice
  • Check mark Data management
  • Check mark System integration
  • Check mark Case management
  • Check mark Fraud, waste and abuse controls
  • Check mark Policy document and regulatory requirement review
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Data Analytics

  • Check mark Survey reports
  • Check mark Utilization reports
  • Check mark Encounter analysis
  • Check mark Enrolment statistics
  • Check mark Loss ratio analysis
  • Check mark Disease burden reports
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